From the Principal's Office:
Greetings Fogelsville Families,
Last weekend our 5th grade foxes performed God Bless America at the Phantoms Game and they did a fabulous job! Students enjoyed spreading kindness and celebrating Valentines Day. We are looking forward to the PTO Hearts-A-Glow dance tonight at 6:00 PM!
Enjoy your weekend.
Lisa Lesko
Upcoming Dates
2/18: DAY 3
- Environmental Club meets after school
2/19: DAY 4
2/20: DAY 1
2/21: DAY 2
Information and Updates
Food Drive: Fogelsville is collecting rice and beans for the Parkland Food Drive. We will be collecting donations through February 21st. Thank you!
ATTENTION 5th Grade Parents!
5th Grade Baby Pictures & Shout-outs Submissions For the yearbook (link to the attached file below)
Kindergarten Registration:
Kindergarten registration is going on NOW for students age 5 before September 1st. Call 610-351-5800 or email to start the registration process.
From the Nurse:
- Please return any outstanding physical or dental forms to the nurse by May 6.
- It's flu season - please keep your student home if they have a fever until they are fever-free without medication for 24 hours.
Inclement Weather Information:
Please CLICK HERE to view district guidance on school closings, late starts, and Flexible Instruction Days. This will also be linked at the bottom of this page for future reference.
2025 Fogelsville 5th Grade Yearbook Email Flyer-Final.pdf
PTO News:
It may not feel like it outside but it's almost Spring which means it's time for our Gertrude Hawk Spring Chocolate fundraiser!
- Check backpacks for fundraising packet.
- Fogelsville can receive up to 50% back on all orders!
- Orders due by March 10th to be included with our delivery the week of April 7th. You can use the paper order form in the packet OR shop online (ID# 106383) https://fundraising. - Contact with any questions.