A main entree will be offered to all students in Kindergarten through fifth grade for lunch. An alternative entree will be offered to students in Second through Fifth grade. Kindergarten and First grade will get the alternative lunch in late October.
Students may bring a lunch from home or purchase a school lunch. The following cafeteria prices are in effect for this school year:
Lunch $2.60
A la Carte Milk $ .50
Breakfast is available for $1.40
*Students who receive free lunch can get free breakfast. Students who receive reduced lunch can get the reduced breakfast. You can sign up for free/reduced lunch on https://www.parklandsd.org/departments/food-services
Money may be deposited into a student’s account any morning before the start of school. Deposits in the form of cash or checks, payable to the “PSD Cafeteria Account,” need to be placed in an envelope clearly marked with the student’s name and the teacher’s name. If a parent would like to deposit money into more than one child’s account, the envelope should clearly indicate the amount to be deposited into each account. Students may place their envelope in the CAFTRAC box in the cafeteria as they arrive at school.
The CAFTRAC operator will alert students of a low balance in their account. If an account reaches a negative balance of $2.00, on Wednesday, a letter requesting additional money will be sent home. If the negative balance reaches $10.00, the cafeteria staff will call home.
Parkland School District also offers On-Line Payment Service @ www.mySchoolBucks.com